sábado, 31 de mayo de 2008

hello world? wtf? my first post yeah!

wooo!, well well, after many diverse advices and a lot of tip I finally decided to open my blog. What can I say? This is an experimental blog, I was, for a long time, wanting to open a blog... but... I didt have the incentives to do it, so I kinda let it pass. I mean, I had things to write about, but what was I going to win by doing so?

I was finnaly convinced to blog after seeing a friend's adsense account, money, in no way is the final goal of this blog, but it shure works as a push, the kind of push needed to take the first step`in writing. Writing? bout what? bahhh...

There are many things to write about, even the sole idea of writing makes good writing material, look, this whole post, indeed is about that!, jeje, dont worry, my future post wont be about how I decided to write them, nono, this blog has a very clear focus, there are some defined topics and constant peculiarities

To the grain, this blog will be bout tech, not the gizmodo stiled blog, neither a slashdot, but rather something like codinghorror, one of my favorite blogs, this blog will also address some of my personal experiences, bits from here and bytes from there, one or two personal anecdotes, engineering, stuff like that, wow, it seems that I will have tons of things to write about

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